My background
- Degree in translation from the University of Vienna, Austria
- Language studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
- Great interest in languages and cultures
My expertise
- Working languages: English and German
- More than 15 years‘ experience copywriting, translating and localising
- More than 4 years of management experience
- Experienced in project management and quality assurance
- Exceptional creative language skills
- Remarkable cultural understanding thanks to various study- and work-related stays in the UK and the USA
- Strong technical background for technical translations
- Excellent computer and Internet skills and profound knowledge of software tools
- Multi-lingual desktop publishing and document production
My professional experience as in-house translator
- Senior Translator & Revisor in a UK-based translation & localisation company
- 10 years’ experience as in-house Editor, Translator and Technical Writer with an Austrian-based international software company
- 4 years of which as the Manager of the Translation and Documentation Department
My professional experience as freelance translator
- Freelance translator offering Intell!gent Tran?lations in many fields of specialisation since 2001
- More than 80 customers in all parts of the world
- Translated some 20 books
My publications
- Article on the perspectives of technical writers in the IT field: „Von Schnörkeln, Grenzschnichten und Blickskodes. Herausforderungen für Technische Redakteure in der EDV-Branche“ in: Berufsbilder für Übersetzer und Dolmetscher – Perspektiven nach dem Studium, Ingrid Kurz, Angela Moisl (Hg.), Universitätsverlag 2002