Translation, creative adaptations (transcreation) and editing of numerous adverts in various fields of business.
End customers: 3com ♦ ABB ♦ Adidas ♦ Alcatel ♦ American Express ♦ AT&T ♦ Austria Telekom ♦ BASF ♦ Bodyshop ♦ British Telecom ♦ Cisco Systems ♦ CompAir ♦ Deutsche Bank ♦ Dove ♦ Esso ♦ Ford ♦ Gillette ♦ HP ♦ Invensys ♦ Manhattan Associates ♦ Microsoft ♦ Motorola ♦ National Lottery ♦ Nortel ♦ Pall Corporation ♦ Puma ♦ Sharp ♦ Shell ♦ Sony ♦ Sprint ♦ Thorn ♦ United Airline