

+43-660-733 12 76

Last update: April 27, 2021


Intell!gent Tran?lations, providing work to both international agencies and local businesses, is always keen to tailor its services to meet the specific needs of each individual organisation or customer. My vast experience includes providing trade work to translation companies all over the world as well as to local organisations.

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Recent end customers include:

ABB ♦ ABN AMRO ♦ Adidas ♦ Alcatel ♦ American Express ♦ AT&T ♦ Austria Telekom ♦ Austrian Chamber of Commerce ♦ Baan ♦ BASF ♦ Blaupunkt ♦ Bodyshop ♦ British Airways ♦ British Telecom ♦ Bull ♦ Burger King ♦ Canon ♦ Casio ♦ Cephalon ♦ Cerner ♦ Cisco Systems ♦ Coca Cola ♦ Cochlear ♦ CompAir ♦ Comparex ♦ Computer Associates ♦ Conrad Hotels ♦ Daichii ♦ De Lage Landen ♦ Deutsche Bank ♦ Disney ♦ Domino ♦ Dove ♦ Draeger ♦ Edwards Lifesciences ♦ Emirates Airlines ♦ Epson ♦ Ernst & Young ♦ Esso ♦ Farnborough Aircraft ♦ Ford ♦ Gillette ♦ Given Imaging ♦ Greiner Bio-One ♦ G-Technology ♦ Habitat ♦ Hertz ♦ Hewlett-Packard ♦ Hilton ♦ Hitachi ♦ Hitachi Data Systems ♦ ♦ Hugo Boss ♦ IBM ♦ Intel ♦ JAC Vapour ♦ Kempinski Hotels ♦ Licona ♦ Linux ♦ Madame Tussauds ♦ Manhattan Associates ♦ Marriott ♦ Mazda ♦ Metro Goldwyn Mayer ♦ Microsoft ♦ Mondi Paper ♦ Motorola ♦ National Lottery ♦ Nintendo ♦ Nokia ♦ Novell ♦ Nucletron ♦ Oregon Scientific ♦ Pall Corporation ♦ Philippe Starck ♦ Philips ♦ Puma ♦ Randstad ♦ RCI ♦ Red Bull ♦ RICOH ♦ SAP ♦ SAS ♦ Seagate ♦ Segue ♦ Shark ♦ Sharp ♦ Shell ♦ Siemens ♦ Softalk ♦ Sony ♦ South East England Tourist Board ♦ Subway ♦ Sybase ♦ Thames Water ♦ Thorn ♦ Tiscali ♦ Unisys ♦ United Airlines ♦ Vink ♦ VISA ♦ Vodafone ♦ Winshuttle ♦ Weight Watchers ♦ Xerox